Hello, I am a full stack web developer

Having 1.5 Years of Experience.

I am a final year undergrad pursuing B.Tech. in Computer Science. I am a full stack web developer and an opensource enthusiast who loves to contribute to the community and a freelancer for now. I have experience of a quite a number of hackathons.Team member of the Web Development team for a startup called digiRehab. Amongst top 5 teams after clearing 3 eliminatory rounds in Covackathon organsied by IIT Palakkad in collaboration with Kerala Government. I'm currently learning DSA & OOPS.


Divyansh Jain


20 Years


New Delhi, India

Some Of My Projects.


Covicure is a covid resource exchange website that scraps ID's of donors and help-seekers by their tweets . Sends automated message with community link.Functionalities- Display schema of donors and help-seekers list, Real-time chat application, Ambulane booking service, Zoom-based doctor assistance.
Stack used- Html,CSS,JS,Socket.io,Mongoose,Node.js etc.


Paathshala is an interactive online education platform. It has features like sign-up,login & logout for security purposes and has google authentication for both.Teacher's can upload assignments and tests subject-wise & can schedule classes. Student's can view as well as submit those tests and assignments subject-wise & can join class through a real-time video and chat application.
Stack used-Html,JS,Socket.io,Mongoose,Node.js,OAuth.


Petcare is a website to provide shelter to the animals. It has features like signup,login & logout. The user can adopt or donate their pets. Gives relevant information to the user about the pets.Can adopt and search for a particular pet using filters like pet-tag and dynamically deleting the availability of the pet that has already been adopted.
Stack used - Html,CSS,JS,php,MySQL.


Need4Red is a blood bank management system where you can register as a donor and can find donors of a particular blood group using blood group filter. Gives the user relevant information about all the donors and how to contact them.
Stack used- Html,CSS,JS,php,MySQL.